4/23/2020 2 Comments Workout At Home Friday 200424Grab a couple of dumbbells, or an old backpack and load it with a few items wrapped in towels for weight. Adjust weight in the backpack as you see fit. Grab a neighbor or a friend and invite them to work out with you and just get moving!!! Don't forget to post your score in the comments.
CORE FINISHER AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 20 Plank Shoulder Taps 15 Tuck-ups 20 Deadbugs Notes
FULL-BODY STRENGTH: It's Flex Friday y'all! Perform as many quality reps as possible for each movement within each minute, then rest as needed before starting the next set. Use a moderate to heavy weight and record total reps. Rest about 3-5 minutes before moving on to the Full-Body Sprint. FULL-BODY SPRINT: It's full speed ahead for these 3 AMRAPs of up downs and DB hang power cleans that decrease in rep scheme per AMRAP. The up downs will get those hammies burning so make sure to jump tall when receiving the weight in the hang power cleans. Also note that you'll have 90 seconds of rest after the first AMRAP, then just one minute of rest after the second AMRAP. Flex on, friends! WARM-UP ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK 200m Run 100 Single Unders 50 Mountain Climbers 40 Jumping Jacks 20 Hollow Rocks
May 2020
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