Privacy Policy
We don't share your private information with anyone, ever.
Refund Policy
In the case of defective products (i.e. non-membership items) you are entitled to a refund.
Refunds on memberships or unused/expired punch cards are not available.
Terms & Conditions
When signing up for a membership or purchasing products you are authorizing charges to your credit card via either Amazon Payments or If you have signed an agreement, you will be held to the terms and conditions specified in your agreement.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be requested in writing a minimum of 30 days prior to the billing date.
Click to access our online form: Cancellation Form
Freeze Policy
Freezes must be requested in writing a minimum of 30 days prior to the billing date.
Click to access our online form: Freeze Form
We don't share your private information with anyone, ever.
Refund Policy
In the case of defective products (i.e. non-membership items) you are entitled to a refund.
Refunds on memberships or unused/expired punch cards are not available.
Terms & Conditions
When signing up for a membership or purchasing products you are authorizing charges to your credit card via either Amazon Payments or If you have signed an agreement, you will be held to the terms and conditions specified in your agreement.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be requested in writing a minimum of 30 days prior to the billing date.
Click to access our online form: Cancellation Form
Freeze Policy
Freezes must be requested in writing a minimum of 30 days prior to the billing date.
Click to access our online form: Freeze Form